“I’m looking forward to the future, and feeling grateful for the past.” –Mike Rowe
If this isn't one if the biggest milestones we go through... Senior year. When you're in it you are so ready to leave, but when you get older you realize how important those memories and lessons you learned were.
30 minutes & two outfits changes. This session is perfect for those just wanting a few memories captured of such a big milestone.
15-20 digital and professionally edited images delivered on an online gallery.
1 hour session, 2 locations, and multiple outfit changes. Perfect for those on campus sessions and beyond!
30-40 digital and professionally edited images delivered on an online gallery.
A total of 3, 30 minute sessions. These can be divided up for multiple seasons and/or locations. Up to 2 outfits per session.
15-20 digital and professionally edited images delivered on an online gallery.